Documentation #359
openDocument how spireadmode param works in sb600spi
Some man page info was added in
Check is that's sufficient, if any more info needed?
Updated by Felix Singer about 2 years ago
in your initial issue list you posted months before on the mailing list, you wrote ...
703de983 Added
param to sb600spi. (How) does it work?
AFAICS, the parameter is documented in the man page with values. Could you make the question more clear?
Updated by Felix Singer about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Response Needed
Updated by Nico Huber about 2 years ago
What does it do at the hardware level? What value should one set?
Does it only affect memory-mapped reads or also command-mode reads? If the former, why was it written before we had memory-mapped reads? If the latter, is it safe to use? Flashrom only supports a single SPI read command per chip, it wouldn't know if any special fast-read or dual/quad-io read is to be sent.
Updated by Anastasia Klimchuk about 2 years ago
- Parent task deleted (
Since the support for Promontory has been dropped from the release, unlinking the ticket from release as well.
However, the ticket stays and need some more investigation.
Updated by Felix Singer about 2 years ago
- Target version changed from 1.3 to none
Updated by Felix Singer about 2 years ago
- Target version changed from none to main