

Anastasia Klimchuk

  • Login: aklm
  • Registered on: 04/27/2022
  • Last sign in: 02/10/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 8 20 28
Reported issues 19 36 55


Project Roles Registered on
flashrom Manager 04/27/2022



09:08 AM flashrom Bug #575 (In Progress): Lenovo Thinkpad w541 - read local not work with 1.5.0-devel
Hello dennis, it says "unknown programmer", so internal programmer was not enabled at build time.
Could be that a ...
Anastasia Klimchuk


10:27 AM flashrom Bug #573: Invalid opcode in the logs, erase/write failure
Oh great! Thank you for lots of info and detailed logs, this helped a lot! Anastasia Klimchuk


10:25 AM flashrom Bug #573: Invalid opcode in the logs, erase/write failure
Yeah the commit was fixing a real bug, ticket for context:
But I think we mi...
Anastasia Klimchuk


02:02 AM flashrom Bug #573: Invalid opcode in the logs, erase/write failure
I found something.
Firstly, the "reprogramming on the fly" is not happening, because `ichspi_lock` is set. In the ...
Anastasia Klimchuk
01:22 AM flashrom Bug #573: Invalid opcode in the logs, erase/write failure
What stands out, is `Invalid OPCODE` error, moreover looking through full log it is happening even earlier, during pr... Anastasia Klimchuk
01:14 AM flashrom Bug #573 (Resolved): Invalid opcode in the logs, erase/write failure
Note: this was reported when using `flashrom MrChromebox-v1.5.0-rc1` however it is suspected that upstream code might... Anastasia Klimchuk
01:06 AM flashrom Feature #545 (Resolved): Split flashchips.c into smaller files, one per manufacturer
Done in Anastasia Klimchuk


02:06 AM flashrom Bug #570 (New): Fix all the cases when structs are compared with memcmp
This won't work as expected if struct contains pointers (including char pointers), but also if struct has padding.
Anastasia Klimchuk


10:29 AM flashrom Feature #568 (Planning): Investigate maybe we can increase minimum required meson version (revisit in 2027)
Wow thanks so much for your investigation!
It seems we can put this on hold until 2027. I don't know what the stat...
Anastasia Klimchuk


08:29 AM flashrom Feature #568 (Planning): Investigate maybe we can increase minimum required meson version (revisit in 2027)
Current minimum meson version required is 0.56.0 and the latest attempt to increase the minimum version was reverted ... Anastasia Klimchuk

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