



Bug #335


High prority bug causes bricking when tianocore and flash log console used together

Added by xinhua wang about 3 years ago. Updated about 2 years ago.

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With tianocore payload. spi flash console was working here is my log of where it hang

BS: BS_DEV_INIT run times (exec / console): 209 / 87 ms
FMAP: area SMMSTORE found @ 690000 (262144 bytes)
smm store: 4 # blocks with size 0x10000
SMMSTORE: Setting up SMI handler
BS: BS_DEV_INIT exit times (exec / console): 0 / 1 ms
Finalize devices...
PCI: 00:1f.0 final
apm_control: Finalizing SMM.
ΓΏ (then all yyyy) any ideas? Thx

Maybe block spi flash console from being used when payload is tianocore before its resolved? It causes bricking of system for those who dont have ch341/soic clip/in circuit flashing/bios header to recover easily

Actions #1

Updated by xinhua wang about 3 years ago

Board is aspire xc600

Actions #2

Updated by Paul Menzel about 3 years ago

  1. Just to avoid misunderstandings, if you use the SeaBIOS, it works?
  2. Where is the source for the aspire xc600?
  3. Please attach all the logs nevertheless (for working and non-working situations).
Actions #3

Updated by Nico Huber about 3 years ago

May I ask what is your use case? The SPI flash console is explicitly meant for the case that you use an external flash setup (see Kconfig help text). It's only meant for debugging during early development, not for users. The payload shouldn't matter because it's usually used when the system isn't booting. If it's booting, there is the CBMEM console.

Actions #4

Updated by Martin Roth about 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

No response to comments asking for clarification in over a year. Closing.


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