Other #447
X9SAE-V No Post - Need help recovering board.
Added by Aaron Burton about 2 years ago.
Updated about 2 years ago.
This one is a different story but may be related to my Optiplex 9010 issues. I recently updated coreboot on my X9SAE-V, using the same settings I had previously and after rebooting it doesn't seem to post. Previous build used SeaBIOS 1.15 (worked great), recent compile with SeaBIOS 1.16.1 and coreboot 4.19 causes no post. Did some research on the microchip used for flashing on this board but can't get it to flash externally using a Pomona 5250 w/ Raspberry pi. Guessing the pi either doesn't supply enough amperage on 3.3V for external flashing or the chip is in circuit with something on the board that requires the chip to be desoldered before reflashing externally. I have a copy of the stock bios and a working coreboot build, any suggestions for unbricking would be greatly appreciated before I try to source another board.
- Tracker changed from Bug to Other
- Subject changed from X9SAE-V No Post to X9SAE-V No Post - Need help recovering board.
- Status changed from New to Closed
Hey, sorry about your board. Unfortunately, bad flashes and bad images happen. We always recommend making sure you have a way to recover your board before updating with coreboot.
You can also try flashing the ROM chip using the pomona clip with the board powered on, but with the reset button pressed. Obviously this can cause issues shorting the board out if something slips, so please only do this if you feel comfortable doing so. Beyond that, I'd recommend asking on the #flashrom channel on IRC.
I'm closing this issue as there's no actual bug that we can respond to here. If you're able to recover your board and figure out where the problem that prevented it from booting is, please feel free to open a new bug addressing that issue.
Best of luck!
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