



Bug #40


The IASL update to 20160318 generates wrong bytecode on samsung/lumpy

Added by Idwer Vollering almost 9 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affected versions:
Needs backport to:
Affected hardware:
Affected OS:


...and possibly on other hardware.



dsdt.dsl_6911219 (141 KB) dsdt.dsl_6911219 Idwer Vollering, 04/11/2016 02:00 AM
dsdt.dsl_64b35f3 (139 KB) dsdt.dsl_64b35f3 Idwer Vollering, 04/11/2016 02:00 AM
dsdt.aml_6911219 (13.2 KB) dsdt.aml_6911219 Idwer Vollering, 04/11/2016 02:00 AM
dsdt.aml_64b35f3 (13.4 KB) dsdt.aml_64b35f3 Idwer Vollering, 04/11/2016 02:00 AM
Screenshot from 2016-04-12 14_30_36.png (136 KB) Screenshot from 2016-04-12 14_30_36.png comparison of AML files between new (left) and old (right) Martin Roth, 04/12/2016 08:32 PM
Screenshot from 2016-04-13 13_03_13.png (175 KB) Screenshot from 2016-04-13 13_03_13.png Difference in output between 0xa34 and 0xa00 +0x34 Martin Roth, 04/13/2016 08:25 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Idwer Vollering almost 9 years ago

The specific change to AML I ran into involves _S5:

--- dsdt.dsl_6911219    2016-04-11 03:59:18.610400722 +0200
+++ dsdt.dsl_64b35f3    2016-04-11 03:59:18.546402408 +0200
@@ -1,34 +1,36 @@
  * Intel ACPI Component Architecture
- * AML/ASL+ Disassembler version 20150619-64
- * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2015 Intel Corporation
+ * AML/ASL+ Disassembler version 20160318-64
+ * Copyright (c) 2000 - 2016 Intel Corporation
  * Disassembling to symbolic ASL+ operators
- * Disassembly of dsdt.aml, Mon Apr 11 03:59:56 2016
+ * Disassembly of dsdt.aml, Mon Apr 11 04:02:42 2016
  * Original Table Header:
  *     Signature        "DSDT"
- *     Length           0x000034F6 (13558)
+ *     Length           0x0000359C (13724)
  *     Revision         0x02
- *     Checksum         0x66 **** Incorrect checksum, should be 0x77
+ *     Checksum         0xCC
  *     OEM ID           "COREv4"
  *     OEM Table ID     "COREBOOT"
  *     OEM Revision     0x20110725 (537986853)
  *     Compiler ID      "INTL"
- *     Compiler Version 0x20150619 (538248729)
+ *     Compiler Version 0x20160318 (538313496)
-DefinitionBlock ("dsdt.aml", "DSDT", 2, "COREv4", "COREBOOT", 0x20110725)
+DefinitionBlock ("", "DSDT", 2, "COREv4", "COREBOOT", 0x20110725)
-     * iASL Warning: There were 3 external control methods found during
-     * disassembly, but additional ACPI tables to resolve these externals
-     * were not specified. This resulting disassembler output file may not
-     * compile because the disassembler did not know how many arguments
-     * to assign to these methods. To specify the tables needed to resolve
-     * external control method references, the -e option can be used to
-     * specify the filenames. Note: SSDTs can be dynamically loaded at
+     * iASL Warning: There were 2 external control methods found during
+     * disassembly, but only 0 were resolved (2 unresolved). Additional
+     * ACPI tables may be required to properly disassemble the code. This
+     * resulting disassembler output file may not compile because the
+     * disassembler did not know how many arguments to assign to the
+     * unresolved methods. Note: SSDTs can be dynamically loaded at
      * runtime and may or may not be available via the host OS.
+     *
+     * To specify the tables needed to resolve external control method
+     * references, the -e option can be used to specify the filenames.
      * Example iASL invocations:
      *     iasl -e ssdt1.aml ssdt2.aml ssdt3.aml -d dsdt.aml
      *     iasl -e dsdt.aml ssdt2.aml -d ssdt1.aml
@@ -45,19 +47,15 @@
      * because the disassembler had to guess at the number of arguments
      * required for each:
-    External (G***, MethodObj)    // Warning: Unresolved method, guessing 4 arguments
-    External (NVSA, MethodObj)    // Warning: Unresolved method, guessing 1 arguments
-    External (RS**, MethodObj)    // Warning: Unresolved method, guessing 6 arguments
-    External (_PR_.CP00, UnknownObj)
+    External (_PR_.CP00, DeviceObj)
     External (_PR_.CP00._PSS, UnknownObj)
-    External (_PR_.CP01, UnknownObj)
-    External (_PR_.CP02, UnknownObj)
-    External (_PR_.CP03, UnknownObj)
-    External (_PR_.CP04, UnknownObj)
-    External (_PR_.CP05, UnknownObj)
-    External (_PR_.CP06, UnknownObj)
-    External (_PR_.CP07, UnknownObj)
+    External (_PR_.CP01, DeviceObj)
+    External (_PR_.CP02, DeviceObj)
+    External (_PR_.CP03, DeviceObj)
+    External (_PR_.CP04, DeviceObj)
+    External (_PR_.CP05, DeviceObj)
+    External (_PR_.CP06, DeviceObj)
+    External (_PR_.CP07, DeviceObj)
     External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.SIO_.SMBX.LPCB.LNKA, UnknownObj)
     External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.SIO_.SMBX.LPCB.LNKB, UnknownObj)
     External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.SIO_.SMBX.LPCB.LNKC, UnknownObj)
@@ -68,7 +66,11 @@
     External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.SIO_.SMBX.LPCB.LNKH, UnknownObj)
     External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.SIO_.SMBX.XHC_.POSC, UnknownObj)
     External (_TZ_.SKIN, UnknownObj)
-    External (LCD0, UnknownObj)
+    External (_TZ_.THRM, UnknownObj)
+    External (G***, MethodObj)    // Warning: Unknown method, guessing 4 arguments
+    External (LCD0, DeviceObj)
+    External (NVSA, UnknownObj)
+    External (RS**, MethodObj)    // Warning: Unknown method, guessing 6 arguments

     OperationRegion (APMP, SystemIO, 0xB2, 0x02)
     Field (APMP, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
@@ -164,152 +166,154 @@

     Name (PICM, Zero)
     Name (DSEN, One)
-    OperationRegion (GNVS, SystemMemory, NVSA (0x0F00), Field (GNVS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
-        {
-            OSYS,   16, 
-            SMIF,   8, 
-            PRM0,   8, 
-            PRM1,   8, 
-            SCIF,   8, 
-            PRM2,   8, 
-            PRM3,   8, 
-            LCKF,   8, 
-            PRM4,   8, 
-            PRM5,   8, 
-            P80D,   32, 
-            LIDS,   8, 
-            PWRS,   8, 
-            TLVL,   8, 
-            FLVL,   8, 
-            TCRT,   8, 
-            TPSV,   8, 
-            TMAX,   8, 
-            F0OF,   8, 
-            F0ON,   8, 
-            F0PW,   8, 
-            F1OF,   8, 
-            F1ON,   8, 
-            F1PW,   8, 
-            F2OF,   8, 
-            F2ON,   8, 
-            F2PW,   8, 
-            F3OF,   8, 
-            F3ON,   8, 
-            F3PW,   8, 
-            F4OF,   8, 
-            F4ON,   8, 
-            F4PW,   8, 
-            TMPS,   8, 
-            Offset (0x28), 
-            APIC,   8, 
-            MPEN,   8, 
-            PCP0,   8, 
-            PCP1,   8, 
-            PPCM,   8, 
-            PCNT,   8, 
-            Offset (0x32), 
-            NATP,   8, 
-            S5U0,   8, 
-            S5U1,   8, 
-            S3U0,   8, 
-            S3U1,   8, 
-            S33G,   8, 
-            CMEM,   32, 
-            IGDS,   8, 
-            TLST,   8, 
-            CADL,   8, 
-            PADL,   8, 
-            CSTE,   16, 
-            NSTE,   16, 
-            SSTE,   16, 
-            NDID,   8, 
-            DID1,   32, 
-            DID2,   32, 
-            DID3,   32, 
-            DID4,   32, 
-            DID5,   32, 
-            Offset (0x64), 
-            BLCS,   8, 
-            BRTL,   8, 
-            ODDS,   8, 
-            Offset (0x6E), 
-            ALSE,   8, 
-            ALAF,   8, 
-            LLOW,   8, 
-            LHIH,   8, 
-            Offset (0x78), 
-            EMAE,   8, 
-            EMAP,   16, 
-            EMAL,   16, 
-            Offset (0x82), 
-            MEFE,   8, 
-            Offset (0x8C), 
-            TPMP,   8, 
-            TPME,   8, 
-            Offset (0x96), 
-            GTF0,   56, 
-            GTF1,   56, 
-            GTF2,   56, 
-            IDEM,   8, 
-            IDET,   8, 
-            Offset (0xB2), 
-            XHCI,   8, 
-            Offset (0xB4), 
-            ASLB,   32, 
-            IBTT,   8, 
-            IPAT,   8, 
-            ITVF,   8, 
-            ITVM,   8, 
-            IPSC,   8, 
-            IBLC,   8, 
-            IBIA,   8, 
-            ISSC,   8, 
-            I409,   8, 
-            I509,   8, 
-            I609,   8, 
-            I709,   8, 
-            IDMM,   8, 
-            IDMS,   8, 
-            IF1E,   8, 
-            HVCO,   8, 
-            NXD1,   32, 
-            NXD2,   32, 
-            NXD3,   32, 
-            NXD4,   32, 
-            NXD5,   32, 
-            NXD6,   32, 
-            NXD7,   32, 
-            NXD8,   32, 
-            ISCI,   8, 
-            PAVP,   8, 
-            Offset (0xEB), 
-            OSCC,   8, 
-            NPCE,   8, 
-            PLFL,   8, 
-            BREV,   8, 
-            DPBM,   8, 
-            DPCM,   8, 
-            DPDM,   8, 
-            ALFP,   8, 
-            IMON,   8, 
-            MMIO,   8, 
-            Offset (0x100), 
-            VBT0,   32, 
-            VBT1,   32, 
-            VBT2,   32, 
-            VBT3,   16, 
-            VBT4,   2048, 
-            VBT5,   512, 
-            VBT6,   512, 
-            VBT7,   32, 
-            VBT8,   32, 
-            VBT9,   32, 
-            CHVD,   24576, 
-            VBTA,   32, 
-            MEHH,   256, 
-            RMOB,   32, 
-            RMOL,   32
-        })
+    OperationRegion (GNVS, SystemMemory, NVSA, 0x0F00)
+    Field (GNVS, ByteAcc, NoLock, Preserve)
+    {
+        OSYS,   16, 
+        SMIF,   8, 
+        PRM0,   8, 
+        PRM1,   8, 
+        SCIF,   8, 
+        PRM2,   8, 
+        PRM3,   8, 
+        LCKF,   8, 
+        PRM4,   8, 
+        PRM5,   8, 
+        P80D,   32, 
+        LIDS,   8, 
+        PWRS,   8, 
+        TLVL,   8, 
+        FLVL,   8, 
+        TCRT,   8, 
+        TPSV,   8, 
+        TMAX,   8, 
+        F0OF,   8, 
+        F0ON,   8, 
+        F0PW,   8, 
+        F1OF,   8, 
+        F1ON,   8, 
+        F1PW,   8, 
+        F2OF,   8, 
+        F2ON,   8, 
+        F2PW,   8, 
+        F3OF,   8, 
+        F3ON,   8, 
+        F3PW,   8, 
+        F4OF,   8, 
+        F4ON,   8, 
+        F4PW,   8, 
+        TMPS,   8, 
+        Offset (0x28), 
+        APIC,   8, 
+        MPEN,   8, 
+        PCP0,   8, 
+        PCP1,   8, 
+        PPCM,   8, 
+        PCNT,   8, 
+        Offset (0x32), 
+        NATP,   8, 
+        S5U0,   8, 
+        S5U1,   8, 
+        S3U0,   8, 
+        S3U1,   8, 
+        S33G,   8, 
+        CMEM,   32, 
+        IGDS,   8, 
+        TLST,   8, 
+        CADL,   8, 
+        PADL,   8, 
+        CSTE,   16, 
+        NSTE,   16, 
+        SSTE,   16, 
+        NDID,   8, 
+        DID1,   32, 
+        DID2,   32, 
+        DID3,   32, 
+        DID4,   32, 
+        DID5,   32, 
+        Offset (0x64), 
+        BLCS,   8, 
+        BRTL,   8, 
+        ODDS,   8, 
+        Offset (0x6E), 
+        ALSE,   8, 
+        ALAF,   8, 
+        LLOW,   8, 
+        LHIH,   8, 
+        Offset (0x78), 
+        EMAE,   8, 
+        EMAP,   16, 
+        EMAL,   16, 
+        Offset (0x82), 
+        MEFE,   8, 
+        Offset (0x8C), 
+        TPMP,   8, 
+        TPME,   8, 
+        Offset (0x96), 
+        GTF0,   56, 
+        GTF1,   56, 
+        GTF2,   56, 
+        IDEM,   8, 
+        IDET,   8, 
+        Offset (0xB2), 
+        XHCI,   8, 
+        Offset (0xB4), 
+        ASLB,   32, 
+        IBTT,   8, 
+        IPAT,   8, 
+        ITVF,   8, 
+        ITVM,   8, 
+        IPSC,   8, 
+        IBLC,   8, 
+        IBIA,   8, 
+        ISSC,   8, 
+        I409,   8, 
+        I509,   8, 
+        I609,   8, 
+        I709,   8, 
+        IDMM,   8, 
+        IDMS,   8, 
+        IF1E,   8, 
+        HVCO,   8, 
+        NXD1,   32, 
+        NXD2,   32, 
+        NXD3,   32, 
+        NXD4,   32, 
+        NXD5,   32, 
+        NXD6,   32, 
+        NXD7,   32, 
+        NXD8,   32, 
+        ISCI,   8, 
+        PAVP,   8, 
+        Offset (0xEB), 
+        OSCC,   8, 
+        NPCE,   8, 
+        PLFL,   8, 
+        BREV,   8, 
+        DPBM,   8, 
+        DPCM,   8, 
+        DPDM,   8, 
+        ALFP,   8, 
+        IMON,   8, 
+        MMIO,   8, 
+        Offset (0x100), 
+        VBT0,   32, 
+        VBT1,   32, 
+        VBT2,   32, 
+        VBT3,   16, 
+        VBT4,   2048, 
+        VBT5,   512, 
+        VBT6,   512, 
+        VBT7,   32, 
+        VBT8,   32, 
+        VBT9,   32, 
+        CHVD,   24576, 
+        VBTA,   32, 
+        MEHH,   256, 
+        RMOB,   32, 
+        RMOL,   32
+    }
     Method (S3UE, 0, NotSerialized)
         S3U0 = One
@@ -557,36 +561,30 @@
-        Else
+        ElseIf ((PCNT >= 0x04))
-            If ((PCNT >= 0x04))
+            Return (Package (0x04)
-                Return (Package (0x04)
-                {
-                    \_PR.CP00, 
-                    \_PR.CP01, 
-                    \_PR.CP02, 
-                    \_PR.CP03
-                })
-            }
-            Else
+                \_PR.CP00, 
+                \_PR.CP01, 
+                \_PR.CP02, 
+                \_PR.CP03
+            })
+        }
+        ElseIf ((PCNT >= 0x02))
+        {
+            Return (Package (0x02)
-                If ((PCNT >= 0x02))
-                {
-                    Return (Package (0x02)
-                    {
-                        \_PR.CP00, 
-                        \_PR.CP01
-                    })
-                }
-                Else
-                {
-                    Return (Package (0x01)
-                    {
-                        \_PR.CP00
-                    })
-                }
-            }
+                \_PR.CP00, 
+                \_PR.CP01
+            })
+        }
+        Else
+        {
+            Return (Package (0x01)
+            {
+                \_PR.CP00
+            })

@@ -842,7 +840,7 @@
                     Local1 = SizeOf (\_PR.CP00._PSS)
                     While ((Local0 < Local1))
-                        Local2 = (DerefOf (Index (DerefOf (Index (\_PR.CP00._PSS, Local0)), 0x04)) >> 0x08)
+                        Local2 = (DerefOf (DerefOf (\_PR.CP00._PSS [Local0]) [0x04]) >> 0x08)
                         If ((Local2 == Arg0))
                             Return ((Local0 - One))
@@ -1149,17 +1147,17 @@
                     Local2 = 0x02
                     While ((Local2 < (SizeOf (BRIG) - One)))
-                        Local3 = DerefOf (Index (BRIG, Local2))
+                        Local3 = DerefOf (BRIG [Local2])
                         Local3 = ((Local3 * Local1) / 0x64)
                         If ((Local0 <= Local3))
-                            Return (DerefOf (Index (BRIG, Local2)))
+                            Return (DerefOf (BRIG [Local2]))

                         Local2 += One

-                    Return (DerefOf (Index (BRIG, Local2)))
+                    Return (DerefOf (BRIG [Local2]))

                 Name (BRCT, Zero)
@@ -1199,7 +1197,7 @@

-                        XBCM (DerefOf (Index (BRIG, Local0)))
+                        XBCM (DerefOf (BRIG [Local0]))

@@ -1217,7 +1215,7 @@

-                        XBCM (DerefOf (Index (BRIG, Local0)))
+                        XBCM (DerefOf (BRIG [Local0]))

@@ -1760,71 +1758,59 @@
                             Return (IQAP) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQAP */
-                    Else
+                    ElseIf ((Match (Package (0x02)
+                                    {
+                                        0x02, 
+                                        0x06
+                                    }, MEQ, _T_0, MTR, Zero, Zero) != Ones))
-                        If ((Match (Package (0x02)
-                                        {
-                                            0x02, 
-                                            0x06
-                                        }, MEQ, _T_0, MTR, Zero, Zero) != Ones))
+                        If (PICM)
-                            If (PICM)
-                            {
-                                Return (IQBA) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQBA */
-                            }
-                            Else
-                            {
-                                Return (IQBP) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQBP */
-                            }
+                            Return (IQBA) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQBA */
-                            If ((Match (Package (0x02)
-                                            {
-                                                0x03, 
-                                                0x07
-                                            }, MEQ, _T_0, MTR, Zero, Zero) != Ones))
-                            {
-                                If (PICM)
-                                {
-                                    Return (IQCA) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQCA */
-                                }
-                                Else
-                                {
-                                    Return (IQCP) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQCP */
-                                }
-                            }
-                            Else
-                            {
-                                If ((Match (Package (0x02)
-                                                {
-                                                    0x04, 
-                                                    0x08
-                                                }, MEQ, _T_0, MTR, Zero, Zero) != Ones))
-                                {
-                                    If (PICM)
-                                    {
-                                        Return (IQDA) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQDA */
-                                    }
-                                    Else
-                                    {
-                                        Return (IQDP) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQDP */
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                Else
-                                {
-                                    If (PICM)
+                            Return (IQBP) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQBP */
+                        }
+                    }
+                    ElseIf ((Match (Package (0x02)
-                                        Return (IQDA) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQDA */
-                                    }
-                                    Else
+                                        0x03, 
+                                        0x07
+                                    }, MEQ, _T_0, MTR, Zero, Zero) != Ones))
+                    {
+                        If (PICM)
+                        {
+                            Return (IQCA) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQCA */
+                        }
+                        Else
+                        {
+                            Return (IQCP) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQCP */
+                        }
+                    }
+                    ElseIf ((Match (Package (0x02)
-                                        Return (IQDP) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQDP */
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
+                                        0x04, 
+                                        0x08
+                                    }, MEQ, _T_0, MTR, Zero, Zero) != Ones))
+                    {
+                        If (PICM)
+                        {
+                            Return (IQDA) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQDA */
+                        }
+                        Else
+                        {
+                            Return (IQDP) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQDP */
+                    ElseIf (PICM)
+                    {
+                        Return (IQDA) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQDA */
+                    }
+                    Else
+                    {
+                        Return (IQDP) /* \_SB_.PCI0.IRQM.IQDP */
+                    }

@@ -2162,19 +2148,13 @@
                             Local1 = 0x0F
-                        Else
+                        ElseIf ((Local0 == 0x02))
-                            If ((Local0 == 0x02))
-                            {
-                                Local1 = 0x03
-                            }
-                            Else
-                            {
-                                If ((Local0 == 0x03))
-                                {
-                                    Local1 = Zero
-                                }
-                            }
+                            Local1 = 0x03
+                        }
+                        ElseIf ((Local0 == 0x03))
+                        {
+                            Local1 = Zero

                         Local0 = (RPM3 & 0xFFFFFFF0)
@@ -3018,13 +2998,13 @@

                         Method (_BIF, 0, Serialized)  // _BIF: Battery Information
-                            Index (PBIF, One) = SWAB (BTDA)
-                            Index (PBIF, 0x02) = SWAB (BTDF)
-                            Index (PBIF, 0x04) = SWAB (BTDV)
-                            Index (PBIF, 0x06) = SWAB (BTDL)
-                            Index (PBIF, 0x09) = BATM /* \BATM */
-                            Index (PBIF, 0x0A) = BATS /* \BATS */
-                            Index (PBIF, 0x0C) = BATV /* \BATV */
+                            PBIF [One] = SWAB (BTDA)
+                            PBIF [0x02] = SWAB (BTDF)
+                            PBIF [0x04] = SWAB (BTDV)
+                            PBIF [0x06] = SWAB (BTDL)
+                            PBIF [0x09] = BATM /* \BATM */
+                            PBIF [0x0A] = BATS /* \BATS */
+                            PBIF [0x0C] = BATV /* \BATV */
                             Return (PBIF) /* \_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.BAT0.PBIF */

@@ -3043,7 +3023,7 @@

                             Local4 = (Local0 & 0x04)
                             Local1 |= Local4
-                            Index (PBST, Zero) = Local1
+                            PBST [Zero] = Local1
                             If ((Local1 != BSTP))
                                 BSTP = Local1
@@ -3057,7 +3037,7 @@

-                            Index (PBST, One) = Local1
+                            PBST [One] = Local1
                             Local1 = SWAB (BTRA)
                             If (((Local1 != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (Local1 >= 0x8000)))
@@ -3076,8 +3056,8 @@

-                            Index (PBST, 0x02) = Local1
-                            Index (PBST, 0x03) = SWAB (BTVO)
+                            PBST [0x02] = Local1
+                            PBST [0x03] = SWAB (BTVO)
                             Return (PBST) /* \_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.BAT0.PBST */
@@ -4054,7 +4034,8 @@
     Name (_S5, Package (0x04)  // _S5_: S5 System State
-        0x07, 
+        Zero, 
+        Zero, 
Actions #2

Updated by Philipp Deppenwiese almost 9 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #3

Updated by Idwer Vollering almost 9 years ago

Added the author and reviewers from #12817 to the watchers list.

Actions #5

Updated by Martin Roth almost 9 years ago

Interestingly, ALL of the differences are at the top of the file. Byte 0xCA in the new file corresponds to byte 0x24 in the old file, and there are NO differences beyond that point.

Actions #6

Updated by Martin Roth almost 9 years ago

The difference in output is the new IASL version is outputting some 'External' instructions - hints for disassembly. These are supposed to be wrapped in an 'if 0' statement so that they have no effect on runtime parsing.

But something is getting really confused, and I'm not sure that it's related to the above.

When doing the disassembly, we see:
coreboot toolchain v1.38 April 3rd, 2016
Input file build/dsdt.aml, Length 0x35A0 (13728) bytes
ACPI: DSDT 0x0000000000000000 00359C (v02 COREv4 COREBOOT 20110725 INTL 20160318)
Pass 1 parse of [DSDT]
ACPI Warning: Invalid character(s) in name (0x0D115352), repaired: RS**
ACPI Warning: Invalid character(s) in name (0x0A000147), repaired: G***

These names are actually the second half of _CRS and the first half of the following instruction (52 53 11 0D):
2390: Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
00003081: 08 5F 43 52 53 11 0D 0A "._CRS..."

and a portion of an IO decode instruction (47 01 00 0A):
dsdt.aml 2392: IO (Decode16, 0xa00, 0xa00 + 0x34, 0x01, 0x34)
Optimize 1015 - ^ Constant expression evaluated and reduced (ADD)
0000308A: 47 01 00 0A 00 00 01 34 "G......4"

This same error happens with code compiled with either the old or new compiler.

Actions #7

Updated by Martin Roth almost 9 years ago

The issue is caused by src/superio/smsc/mec1308/acpi/superio.asl


Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
IO (Decode16, SIO_SMBX_IO0, SIO_SMBX_IO0 + 0x34, 0x01, 0x34)

Name (_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
IO (Decode16, SIO_SMBX_IO0, SIO_SMBX_IO0 + 0x34, 0x01, 0x34)


#define SIO_SMBX_IO034 0xa34
Name (_CRS, ResourceTemplate()
IO (Decode16, SIO_SMBX_IO0, SIO_SMBX_IO034, 0x01, 0x34)

Name (_PRS, ResourceTemplate()
IO (Decode16, SIO_SMBX_IO0, SIO_SMBX_IO034, 0x01, 0x34)

And everything's happy.
I'll submit a patch.

Actions #8

Updated by Martin Roth almost 9 years ago

Duncan pointed out that the AddressMax value is actually "The maximum acceptable starting address for the I/O range." Since this is a fixed address, AddressMin and AddressMax should be the same.

This fix has been submitted as

A check to detect these sorts of issues has been submitted as
This was demonstrated to catch the error (Lumpy was actually the only victim), and demonstrates that the fix for lumpy works.

There is still the outstanding question of why this ASL code created a problem. IASL does support addition inside ASL, but obviously it failed in this case for some reason, without generating an error. This should be debugged further to help fix the issue there.

The good ASL, then the bad: (Note that this is not the "Good" code that we ended up using, just the code similar to the initial code)
IO (Decode16, SIOSMBX_IO0, 0xA34, 0x01, 0x34)
IO (Decode16, SIOSMBX_IO0, 0xA00 + 0x34, 0x01, 0x34)

The good byte code, then the bad
0A 0A 47 01 00 0A 34 0A 01 34 79 00
0A 0A 47 01 00 0A 00 00 01 34 79 00 34 0A

Actions #9

Updated by Martin Roth over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

closing as fixed.


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