



Bug #517


lenovo x230 boot stuck with connected external monitor

Added by Vasily Evseenko over 1 year ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

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Lenovo x230
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Coreboot releases 4.21 and 4.22.01 have a bug.
If lenovo x230 laptop has connected external monitor then boot stuck on Seabios greeting.
Boot without external monitor always succeeded.
Last release without bug is 4.20.1
Coreboot config attached.


.config (19.4 KB) .config coreboot config 4.20.1 Vasily Evseenko, 12/04/2023 02:08 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Matt DeVillier over 1 year ago

have you tried other payloads? This might be a SeaBIOS issue and not a coreboot one.

Actions #2

Updated by Vasily Evseenko over 1 year ago

Matt DeVillier wrote in #note-1:

have you tried other payloads? This might be a SeaBIOS issue and not a coreboot one.

No, I haven't tried other payloads like embedded grub, but it doesn't reach coreboot boot menu (where I can run memtest for example).
It seems that something broken in video adapter init (intel core graphics) because if I boot with external monitor detached then boot succeeded.
Monitor detach after boot start doesn't solve the problem.

How to configure coreboot to boot debian 12 with non-seabios payload?

Actions #3

Updated by Matt DeVillier over 1 year ago

No, I haven't tried other payloads like embedded grub, but it doesn't reach coreboot boot menu (where I can run memtest for example).

that's not the coreboot boot menu, it's the SeaBIOS one.

It seems that something broken in video adapter init (intel core graphics) because if I boot with external monitor detached then boot succeeded.
Monitor detach after boot start doesn't solve the problem.

can you pull a cbmem log after a failed boot? Compile with ADA debug enabled as well

Actions #4

Updated by Vasily Evseenko over 1 year ago

As I understand cbmem log it requires a successful boot to retrieve log or it will survive after reboot via ctrl-alt-del?
The problem with non-seabios payload it that x230 is my primary laptop and get unbootable machine (for example after invalid grub config during setup) will require disassebling motherboard and flashing bios via flash programmer

Matt DeVillier wrote in #note-3:

No, I haven't tried other payloads like embedded grub, but it doesn't reach coreboot boot menu (where I can run memtest for example).

that's not the coreboot boot menu, it's the SeaBIOS one.

It seems that something broken in video adapter init (intel core graphics) because if I boot with external monitor detached then boot succeeded.
Monitor detach after boot start doesn't solve the problem.

can you pull a cbmem log after a failed boot? Compile with ADA debug enabled as well


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