



Bug #17


libpayload doesn't respect .config file

Added by Klemens Nanni about 9 years ago. Updated about 9 years ago.

build system
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When building the coreinfo payload, coreinfo is always built with PDCurses no matter what configuration is set for libpayload. In fact, different configurations produce the very same coreinfo.elf binary. It seems like libpayload is completely ignoring user set configuration, not just with regards to curses libraries.
Steps to reproduce:

$ cd payloads/libpayload/

Build libpayload with PDCurses and support for various things such as USB, Multiboot, etc.

$ cp .config.a .config
$ make install

Build coreinfo

$ cd ../coreinfo/
$ make

Clean everything, be sure about it

$ make clean
$ make distclean
$ cd ../libpayload/
$ make clean
$ make distclean

Build libpayload again, with TinyCurses and a minimal feature set

$ cp .config.b .config
$ make install

Build coreinfo again

$ cd ../coreinfo/
$ make
$ diff coreinfo.elf.a build/coreinfo.elf

Coreboot 4.2-546-g72c83a8


.config.a (2.1 KB) .config.a PDCurses Klemens Nanni, 12/09/2015 06:43 PM
.config.b (1.75 KB) .config.b TinyCurses Klemens Nanni, 12/09/2015 06:43 PM
coreinfo.elf (144 KB) coreinfo.elf Klemens Nanni, 12/09/2015 06:51 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Martin Roth about 9 years ago

coreinfo will always build using defconfig unless otherwise specified by updating the KBUILD_DEFCONFIG variable.

To build using the config file defconfig-tinycurses in the configs directory:

1) Get rid of any previously built libpayload output - if it's present, it will not be updated.
cd payloads/coreinfo
rm -rf build #get rid of any previously build libpayload & its configuration

2) Build coreinfo with the new libpayload config
make KBUILD_DEFCONFIG='configs/defconfig-tinycurses

This should build libpayload using the new configuration, then build coreinfo using that libpayload.

Actions #2

Updated by Martin Roth about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Assignee set to Martin Roth

I think this was just a misunderstanding of how the build works. I'm going to close it for now. If there are continuing issues, please feel free to re-open it with additional information.


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