Support #216
openDocument the PSP binaries for the blobs repo
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The blobs repo requires "A publicly available (published) ABI", but so far this doesn't really exist for AMD's PSP. At the very least, we can document what each of the binaries is, and how they get loaded into the image.
Updated by Martin Roth over 5 years ago
I've created a google-internal bug for AMD to supply this information: http://b/136088391
For the ABI, I think it's sufficient to create a document containing:
- A list of PSP modules which will be pushed to
- What each module does
- The general flow between modules
- The structure of the directory tables
- How the modules are located with the directory tables
- Which modules are versioned, and how to extract those versions
- Why any unversioned modules aren't versioned.
Much of this information, although not all, is contained in the PSP Design guide (55758)